Friday, February 25, 2011


We all know the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."  I think that sentiment is what is making me a little panicked as I sit down to do my assignment from my coach this week.  She told me that I had to go take a class or two.  Pick something that I am interested in and sign up for it.

How exciting....go learn something new!!  I got online and started searching out classes for things I've always wanted to learn more about.  I found quite a few that work for me date wise and sounded interesting.  There is Food and Wine Pairing, Motorcycle Skills for Women, Photography, Designer Cupcakes.  It all sounds like so much fun.

But, I haven't signed up for any.  Why?  I'm a little nervous.  This is so unlike me.  I love learning new things.  But, I'm scared.  I feel like it is my first day in a new high school.

I'm worried about being the oldest one in the class, not knowing anyone, not being good at it or not really enjoying the topic after all.  Hmmm...this worry about innocuous things is not normal for me.  What has happened to that fire I've always had for learning?

Honestly, I can't seem to put my finger on what is holding me back.  I've given this a lot of thought and nothing seems to be surfacing that I can recognize and resolve.  My best guess is that it is all rooted in fear.

Fear is a powerful thing.  It can keep us from doing just about anything.  I don't like this feeling of being paralyzed...of not being able to jump in with both feet and enjoy everything.  There have been times in my life that I experienced fear, but, this time I won't let it get me.

First and foremost I am a reader.  I read constantly and usually have more than one book at a time going. So, this morning I downloaded Max Lucado's, Fearless.  After just reading a few pages I am seeing that it is going to resonate with me.  If you are feeling fear over something, I invite you to read along too.

1 comment:

  1. Atta girl! You are one of the most fearless women I know, Gini. Remember going back to college a little late in the game? Remember starting a business with a hair and a (really big) prayer? Remember being a volunteer firefighter??!! You have taken big leaps of faith and have it in you to run towards the roar and achieve all you desire... even if it scares you.

    So face down those cupcakes and show them who's boss. You can do this.
