Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My last two posts have been practical steps about reaching inside and discovering talents and defining values.  Difficult things to do for most people.  When it is time to share or verbalize these things, it can be a little uncomfortable.  Any time that we are exposed and vulnerable is uncomfortable.  Which brings me to the point of this post.  To feel gratitude for all of our gifts, talents, skills and values is an essential part of self-acceptance and growth.

I am addicted to The Biggest Loser.  I wouldn't watch it for the first four seasons because I hated the name.  I hated that they called people who needed love and support big losers.  Clearly I didn't understand the premise of the show.  So, when I watched the show for the first time I was completely hooked.  I love the moments that people make discoveries about themselves that turn their lives around.  But, tonight was the first time that I felt gratitude.

Tears rolled down my face as Rulon Gardner, a gold medal Olympian, stood on the scale with his jaw quivering.  He was overwhelmed by emotion because he would achieve a 100 lb. weight loss tonight.  When asked why it made him so emotional he said that it was because he was getting his life back.  I was so moved that this tough Olympian felt so deeply this new accomplishment.  And it made me feel grateful.

I am grateful that we, as humans, can feel so deeply for others.  My friend, Emily, wrote about love and how it isn't a one day thing but an every day thing.  If we didn't have the ability to feel deeply then we wouldn't have the ability to love.

I'm also grateful that we were give the free will to make choices.  When our life doesn't feel like it is on the right path we can choose to make it different.  Regardless of circumstances, we have what it takes within us (every one of us) to decide to change.  How amazing is that!!

I don't want to make this an official step of the journey.  I think that gratitude should be eternal not part of a limited process.  I am grateful that I was reminded today to be grateful!!

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