Wednesday, June 22, 2011

When the stars align

For those of you who know me well, you know I wasn't thrilled about the move to Charlotte.  Not that I had anything against this town.  It was just that I loved my friends in St. Louis, where were going to live and what I was able to do.  Charlotte meant me starting all over in business and with friends.

We've been here a year this month.  I know, that is crazy to imagine.  But, we have been inundated with house stuff, family stuff and sports!  This is the first time I have been able to focus on what is next for me.  I know, I said I was going to find myself before dinner, but I think it is more like finding myself before Christmas!!

I decided a couple of weeks ago to attend the eWomen Networking luncheon.  The St. Louis chapter was a great place for me in terms of connecting me to people who have turned into life-long friends.  I didn't really have high hopes for one meeting.  It takes several to begin to develop a relationship.  So, I collected cards and sent emails as soon as I got home.

This week I have had coffee with 3 fantastic women that I met that day.  All of them have been wonderful.  But today was a particularly exciting.  I met Coliesta Vidak at Amelie's French Bakery for coffee.  We instantly talked about a hundred things that we had in common.  I told her that I was trying to find someone to smudge my house and get rid of all the bad energy.  She does that!!  Then Charlene Neville, a great friend of Coliesta's joined us.  We chatted for over an hour.

I had arranged for Sydney Duarte to meet me at this coffee shop so she joined us.  Her zest for life inspired all of us!  We were having a wonderful time and another woman asked what we were talking about.  She is a makeup artist and heard us talking about image.  Turns out we live in the same part of town and her husband played football at the university my stepson is looking at.  He also played for the Bears, which is just really cool to throw in.   A lady at the table behind us introduced herself and talked with us for awhile.

Clearly the attraction energy was very high today.  I know that I met some women who will be long term friends.  I had hoped to meet some new friends.  But, what I received today was way beyond expectation!!

Color me grateful :)

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