Friday, June 3, 2011

Oops...I got lost

It's been two months since the last time I posted.  Finding myself before dinner went by the wayside when life got insane.  About the time that I was headed out of town for an extended period, we had water damage in our house.  We had to move into a hotel with two dogs and two teenage boys.  For a month we were in flux.  We finally got back into our house, got most everything unpacked and we got robbed.  Just on the heels of dealing with that we had a barrage of company (that part I enjoyed).  But, it made me take note of something.

Women have put themselves on the back burner forever.  We take care of everything and everyone else before we look at ourselves and say, "what do you need today?"  Is that just how we are programmed?  Is it necessary for us to take that role so that life continues as we know it?  What is wrong with taking an hour or two a day just for ourselves?

Well, in my house that would mean that dinner was eaten out (not good on the waistline), clothes would be dirty, contractors would be unattended, the dogs would never be walked....the list goes on and on.  Some of these things could probably wait until the next day, but then wouldn't everything start to compound and pile up to become unmanageable?  I mean, if you go to an office and choose not to do the work necessary to meet deadlines, wouldn't you eventually be fired?

The thing about being a woman, a caretaker, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend is that there are no set hours.  Our jobs begin the moment our feet hit the floor and don't end until we crawl under the covers.  I would love to say to my family and friends that my hours are 9am-8pm.  I will get as much done during those hours as possible.  If I cannot consistently get these things done, then maybe we need to look at adding staff.

Hmmm....that might not be a reasonable expectation.  I mean, we aren't the Rockefellers.  But, maybe our lives are too full.  Maybe we have to simplify and trim the fat.  I think that is what I will explore over the next few weeks.

1 comment:

  1. It’s been a year since you informed us about the water damage that you encountered in your house. I’m hoping that at this moment your dilemma with it is finally over, and your family does not need to stay in a hotel. It’s also sad to hear that your home was robbed, when you stayed in the hotel. By the way, what are the things that you did to fix the water damage, did you hire the services of professionals?

    Soledad Feigenbaum
