Monday, February 14, 2011

Step 2

I would love to say that this step is about visualizing what I want in my life.  The problem with that is that I don't know what I want.  I can come closer to saying what I don't want than what I want.  That's the problem.

I believe in manifestation of our dreams.  I don't buy into the whole theory of "The Secret" where you open a catalogue of the universe and order up what you want.  I think it is more complex than that.  In addition to knowing what you want and being able to "order" it, I think you must act "as if".  For example, if you say, "I'm an actress", but you never audition for probably isn't true.  Sophia Coppola isn't going to ring your doorbell and tell you that you are the best person for a part in her next movie.  No, if you say you are an actress then you go to auditions, acting classes, read the rags, get an agent, etc.  You do the things that actresses do.  Then you are on your way.

But, in addition to "acting as if", I think there are other factors.  You always hear the term, "Karma is a bitch."  Well, if you lie, cheat and steal to manifest your dream, it probably won't turn out like you hoped.  Don't you think we were put here to be the best person we can be?  To serve a purpose?

Purpose...yea, that would be the core of "who I am."  So visualization will have to wait for another step while I figure out purpose.  My coach and I touched on this not too long ago.  But, in usual fashion I was impatient to get to the "doing" stage.  I've always been so driven to "be" somebody that I haven't given myself the chance to really explore what my skills and talents are.

So, Step 2, is to make a comprehensive list of skills and talents.  Blow them out with lots of detail.  Give them qualitative and quantitative measures.  Do you love to do something?  Are you an expert at something?  Do you have extreme depth of knowledge about something?  And, don't forget to add those less tangible talents.  I believe that listening, loving and nurturing are critical to society.  If you are really good at that...put it down.

I hope you will join me in this step.  I think it will be fun and eye opening.  If you have trouble, ask someone close to you to help you identify your strengths.  Sometimes it is easier for them to see you than it is for you to see you.

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