Friday, February 11, 2011

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I've always admired those people who always knew what they wanted to be when they grew up.  When they were children they said, "I'm gonna be, teacher, mom, pilot, etc."  They never said, "I want to be..."  They said it as a definitive.  I know a lot of those people who became exactly what they said they would.

In contrast, I didn't have a definite.  I was going to be a ballerina (too short and stout), an actress, president, etc.  Always something in the limelight.  But, by the time I was in my teens I thought I would be a writer.  I always had somewhere in my mind that I had something to say.  At the time, I was reading Danielle Steele novels.  Go ahead and laugh, but they swept me away to a world of raw lust and deep, unabated love.  It was a fantasy, an escape that I imagined someday I might create for others.  Did you hear that vague, doubtful sentence?

I believe that is the difference in the people who go on to do what they dream of doing and the people who pin-ball around trying to figure out what they should be doing.  Vague versus visual...yup visualizing may be the key.  Of course as kids, we didn't know what that meant.  But, don't you think someone like Lebron James visualized himself as a professional basketball player.  He probably saw himself on the court in a giant arena.  He could probably tell you what it felt like for the thousands of fans to cheer for him.  He probably said, "I'm gonna play in the NBA."  I imagine he saw all of that in his mind, was clear that was what he wanted and then set about doing what was possible to make it happen.

Yea, don't think I meant you could kick back in a comfy chair and imagine yourself as president then the Secret Service would knock on your door and pick you up to take you to your office.  Don't be ridiculous.  The visualization step is the one that kicks off the rest.  You see it...feel it...believe it and then work on getting there.  You may have heard people say, "Act as if...."  You know, act as if it is a given that you are going to become a...fill in the blank.  Again, sounds easy.  It's not.  If it were we would all be exactly what we want to be.

That kind of brings me full circle to what my Coach and I were talking about the other day.  I want to "package" this journey.  I want to be able to tell people...this is what I am doing.  I want a business card. So shoot me, I know that isn't very woowoo of me.  I'm suppose to be on what sounds like a spiritual quest and I want a business card?!!  Yea, that's who I am.  Someone who needs an identity.  But, then it hit me.  It is about more than that.

I want to know what to do when I grow up?  I want to "act as if..."?  (With this next sentence my phone will ring and my coach will tell me....told you so).  Then I need to embrace where I am, own it, put a damn label on it and make a business card.  Then, and only then will I really be on the path.  So far I've been pussy-footing around at the head of the path.  Take the journey already!!  See it, feel it, believe it and get my ass in gear!

So, tell me can you visualize your purpose?  Are you already on your path?  I really want to know!

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