Saturday, February 12, 2011

Getting a Plan

An interesting thing happens when you start to say out loud what you are doing.  As I was explaining to my Coach, Lisa Dalton, about this huge epiphany and what it meant to me, I was uncomfortable.  Now, Lisa is an open minded, easy-going woman who never judges.  So, she pressed me on my discomfort.

I wanted desperately to be able to put a plan together...because I am the queen of project plans.  I want to have tasks to do so that I know if I am on track.  I wanted to define what I am doing.  I wanted to be able to put an elevator speech together that didn't sound like I was having a mid-life crisis.  I wanted to "package" my journey.  As a matter of fact, I told her the words "journey" and "quest" make me a little uneasy.  She still pressed.

"Why do you need to define this?  What do you care what people think?"

Fair questions, but it isn't about what other people think.  It is about my own judgement.  Every time I do some kind of DISC or Myers Briggs profiles I come out with a high level of drive, determination.  Things that are important to me are power, acknowledgement, leadership.  You get the picture.  I'm more the mind-set of a CEO not a flower child.

Now don't be offended if you are on a similar journey.  I really don't think this is a flower child type of exercise.  I do believe that it is a growth exercise and these are my own hurdles.  But, when I say it out loud I feel like I'm not being authentic.

So she pressed.  Then why am I doing this?  What is the point if it is not who I am.  Well, there is the $60,000 question.  The "who I am" part.  I don't think that I have done a good job of explaining what I want out of this.  So, I think there is a certain amount of "packaging" that must happen.  I can do yoga, meditate, read books, become vegan...but that's the movie (Eat Love Pray) not my life.

With all this in mind I will start to do some planning.  I have given myself permission to be on this journey for 365 days.  If I have some small goals along the way then it will feel more authentic.  I'll keep you posted and hope you will join me on your own journey.

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